Nepal is a tourist friendly destination where people smile even at empty stomach and regard foreign guest as great joy and honour as their is a popular saying in Nepali atithi deva bhawa, which means . Travel wonders of the world, the top of the world Mount Everest, Top Eight Himalayas, Highest lake Tilicho, The deepest river gorge in the world Kali gandaki, the birth Place of Buddha Limbini, the grand and ancient artitecture, as many temples as houses and people makes Nepal unique to the world for your lifetime travelling experience never to be forgotton. This volunteer placement provides an opportunity to those who want to make a positive difference in lives of poor underprivileged children and families of Nepal.

We offer great volunteering experiences to enhance the quality of life of the local community through sustainable tourism. It is a challenge to find somewhere that matches your values with the right charity or local organisation without charging exorbitant fees. We aim to provide the highest quality of volunteer program and believe in giving you the flexibility to volunteer in Nepal and make the greatest impact. We believe on volunteers who give their time and effort to help the community should be appreciated for their skills, talent , respect their commitment , in fact we are so confident in this belief that we made this our mission.


Minimum time commitment: 1 month. Package to Include: Accomodation in simple room with shared bathroom, shower and toilet.

Two or three meals per day(Coffee and bread in the morning, Sandwiches in the afternoon and Nepali Dhat Bhat with the family in the evening.

Use of bicycle to other 17 ward center in Pokhara.

Free Wi-Fi.

Volunteer Manual.

The cost of the whole package is only 400 Euro Per Month.


Individuals wishing to volunteer for short periods of time with the Butterfly Foundation or who wish to be independent, are responsible for their own housing and living arrangements in Pokhara (i.e. accommodation, food, travel to the work site).

For Further detail please log on to www.butterflyfoundation.org and fill in our application form.

Thank you. .